Which indefinite article to use before Acronyms and Initialisms

LOL AcronymsA little doubt often creeps in when using an indefinite article (a/an) before an acronym or an initialism. Firstly, let’s just quickly distinguish between these two.

An acronym is an abbreviation from the initial letters of other words and then pronounced as a word. For example: NASA, SCUBA, RADAR, UNICEF, NATO.

An initialism, while also an abbreviation from the initial letters of other words, cannot be pronounced as a word. Each letter has to be pronounced separately, eg BBC, FBI, RSVP, VIP.

So, which indefinite article precedes these ‘words’?  Continue reading “Which indefinite article to use before Acronyms and Initialisms”

Use Adverbs Sparingly

National Grammar DayNext Wednesday, March 4th, is National Grammar Day, so I thought I’d celebrate by writing a post about grammar. Although it’s not really about grammar. It’s about one of those rules for good writing.

I learned a lot of writing rules back in broadcast journalism school: write short, uncomplicated sentences; don’t put more than twenty words in a sentence; write in present tense; don’t use the word “yesterday,” lest your listeners think you’re running old news; and on and on.

These particular rules are pretty much useless for fiction writing. Most novelists don’t write in present tense (although I hear it’s a thing in some circles) and nobody cares whether you mention “yesterday” in your novel or not. But among the rules that have stuck with me is this: Don’t use adverbs. Continue reading “Use Adverbs Sparingly”

Grammar Tip: An Aitch or A Haitch

HNot long ago, a publishing friend of mine asked me a question, as she was having a teensy little contretemps with an author, whose book she was about to publish.  He was so insistent that the part of his book’s title, which contained the word ‘historical’, should be ‘an historical’.  In fact, he was so insistent, it made her doubt her own knowledge.

So, let’s try and clarify this.  ‘H’, when aspirated, i.e. pronounced with a ‘huh’ sound, is a consonant. Words that begin with a consonant, when preceded by an indefinite pronoun, are therefore introduced with ‘a’. Continue reading “Grammar Tip: An Aitch or A Haitch”

Participle Phrases

housewife-23868_1280Mrs Grumpy here again.

Another little bad habit creeps into a lot of writing, I’ve discovered.  And I always feel a trickle of irritation when I read it.  Those pesky -ing phrases.  You know the ones I mean? Continue reading “Participle Phrases”