How Do You Write the Chapters of Your Life?

photo property of Jim DevittAre you happy with your life? Do you ever wish that your life were different? Are you where you want to be with your writing, business, love life, or just about anything else?

Most of the people who visit this blog are writers or readers. That pretty much sums up the entire population because if you are not doing one or the other or both, you are probably dead. As readers and writers, we are very familiar with novel structure. It’s a series of chapters. You start with the introduction of a main character who experiences a transformation through a growth process that may involve mystery, romance, action, heartbreak, death, illness or exploration. The concepts are limitless. Continue reading “How Do You Write the Chapters of Your Life?”

Do You Schedule or Go With The Flow?

How does your brain work?

This week’s post is more of a question than anything else. I’ve written before about schedules and planning. I think it’s essential for helping you attain your goals. If your life is like mine, you’re doing about ten things at once. You might be attacking your WIP, editing your about-to-be-released masterpiece, working for the man, working for yourself and everything else that comes with life.

Here’s the question. Is it okay to blow up your schedule and plans? Personally, I think part of the power of goals and planning is the ability to alter and adjust as needed. Beyond that, I think you have to go with the flow sometimes. Continue reading “Do You Schedule or Go With The Flow?”

Great Tool for Tracking Goals

You’ve heard me preach about goals in this space before. Wait, wait, wait … Before you click to another Indies Unlimited post, hear me out.

I’m not going to drive the message of goals down your throat … again. I’m here to give you a tool.

Before I get into this tool, for the record, I want to say that I’m a little old-fashioned when it comes to writing down goals. I like to grab a pad or whatever, and manually write them down. I’ve got a little notebook that has goals written down from more than ten years ago, Continue reading “Great Tool for Tracking Goals”

Strategy … Or … Why Am I Posting on Facebook?

We all spend time posting to our Facebook Pages and personal timelines. How much do we think about WHAT we post?

Do you have a strategy for your Facebook Page? You see, in order to be successful at this indie author business, you need to treat it like … a business.

In order to do that, you first have to determine what you want to get out of your Facebook Page—for that matter, Twitter, Google+, Goodreads and everything else as well. Continue reading “Strategy … Or … Why Am I Posting on Facebook?”