Freebie Friday Testify! – Toney LA Tripp

Author Toney LA Tripp recently participated in an Indies Unlimited Freebie Friday. He was quite pleased with the exposure his book, All Jacked Up, received – which resulted in a surge of downloads. Since we here at Indies Unlimited don’t believe in tooting our own horn (much), Toney was kind enough to write about his experience, although it seems he was a bit nervous about revealing our identity. So I’ve helped out, just a tad. And now, author Toney LA Tripp:

The Turtle Vs. the HareThe old cartoon shows the turtle moving faster than the hare. Well, for the last month and a half, my numbers might as well have been the hare. Which I guess would make Amazon the turtle. And the turtle was clobbering me.

However, a friend and fellow writer dropped me a line and asked me to participate in a blog post she has with some partners (that being K. S. Brooks and Stephen Hise at Indies Unlimited). Continue reading “Freebie Friday Testify! – Toney LA Tripp”