Sneak Peek: Sequin Boy and Cindy by Arthur Levine

Sequin Boy and CindyToday we have a sneak peek from Arthur Levine’s paranormal romance book, Sequin Boy and Cindy.

The spirits of Billy’s Indian Ancestors and a mythical White Buffalo combine with God’s inspiration to protect our young couple in this paranormal romance plus. You’ll laugh and cry as life and the powers that be take them on a roller coaster ride of highs and lows. Join Billy and Cindy as they learn to love together, raise a family and experience the pure pleasure of giving back to the community. You’ll relate as their wild antics take on special meaning and offer a new dimension to the art of the possible in a love story for the ages.

Sequin Boy and Cindy is available at and Smashwords.

Continue reading “Sneak Peek: Sequin Boy and Cindy by Arthur Levine”

Young Readers Give us Hope

They came by the hundreds—some waiting for over three hours in line. As I walked along the sidewalk to the locked gate, the signs of waiting were everywhere. Most had relinquished standing in line to sitting on the dirty sidewalks in downtown Miami. Fortunately, it was a beautiful day, so the heat wasn’t much of a factor in this concrete jungle.

 The seven hundred plus faithful followers of Christopher Paolini’s epic series, The Inheritance Cycle, queued, anxiously awaiting the chance to hear the New York Times bestselling author speak about his series. This was his first appearance at the Miami Book Fair International.

Week 26 Flash Fiction Challenge: Leaning

Photo by K.S. Brooks

Look at it. That old tower is a glistening white canvas begging to be tagged.

Every year, someone from the Sheriff’s department comes out to the school to remind all the kids not to climb on the old tower.

Something about some kid falling to his death back in the day. I know, right? The thing is made out of steel, and anyway, if it starts to fall, we can just jump off, okay?

It’s senior year. Somebody’s got to do this. You with me or not?

In 250 words or less, tell me a story incorporating the elements in the picture. The 250 word limit will be strictly enforced.

Please keep language and subject matter to a PG-13 level. Continue reading “Week 26 Flash Fiction Challenge: Leaning”

Book Brief: Mini Skirts and Laughter Lines

Mini Skirts and Laughter Lines
by Carol E Wyer
Genre: Humorous Women’s Fiction
120,000 words (approximately)

Amanda Wilson can’t decide between murder, insanity and another glass of red wine. Facing 50 and all that it entails is problematic enough. What’s the point in minking your eyes, when your husband would rather watch ‘Russia Today’ than admire you, strutting in front of the television in only thigh boots and a thong?
Her son has managed to perform yet another magical disappearing act. Could he actually be buried under the mountain of festering washing which is strewn on his bedroom floor? He’ll certainly be buried somewhere when she next gets her hands on him.
At least her mother knows how to enjoy herself. She’s partying her twilight years away in Cyprus. Queen of the Twister mat, she now has a toy boy in tow. She really shouldn’t have pressed that send button. The past always catches up with you sooner or later. Still, her colourful past is a welcome relief to her monochrome present; especially when it comes in the shape of provocative Todd Bradshaw, her first true love.
Soon Mandy has a difficult decision to make; one that will require more than a few glasses of Chianti.

This title is available from Amazon US, Amazon UK, Smashwords, and Barnes and Noble. Continue reading “Book Brief: Mini Skirts and Laughter Lines”