Featured Author: Paul Schofield

Long, long ago and far, far away in a galaxy named Montana, young Paul was born. It was cold. Doctor Ole spanked him and said: “Dis vun is a keeper, yah. Ve vill teach him to eat lutefisk.” Paul cried. He grew up surrounded by unspoiled natural beauty and communed with all manner of flora and fauna. It was still cold.

Eons of time later he loaded the family star-cruiser and voyaged to the remote galaxy of Florida. Paul was no longer cold but a strange new sensation was disturbing his senses, actually causing water to flow from his skin. It was uncomfortable. Alien species of flora and fauna overwhelmed him, including six-legged, fast-running, giant cockroaches that could fly. Paul was afraid and began to write stories to control his emotions. It helped a little bit.

More eons passed and Paul engaged the rusting star-cruiser once more, warping to the dwarf galaxy of North Carolina. The mountains were cool – not cold. Water still flowed from his skin but now in small, immeasurable amounts. Paul was just right – he wasn’t afraid anymore. Some friendly cats offered him a place to live if he would take care of them and pay all their expenses. They even said he could write books but only if he included them as main characters. Paul was overjoyed. He and his family now had a home and he didn’t have to eat lutefisk. Learn more about Paul by visiting his website. Continue reading “Featured Author: Paul Schofield”

Getting the Most From It

Indies Unlimited has a large complement of staff writers with a wide array of expertise. We also provide a multitude of features designed to promote indie authors and their books. Don’t forget the tutorials, the like-fests, and the flash fiction contests. There is a lot going on here, all of it aimed at helping you.

The question is: do you really get the most from it? Maybe you subscribe, maybe you comment from time to time. That’s great. Do you also share IU posts you like? If there is an interesting discussion going on here, do you tweet about it? When you are on LinkedIn and a discussion comes up related to something that was addressed here, do you bring it up? Continue reading “Getting the Most From It”

Sneak Peek: Terra Nullius

Today we have a sneak peek from author T.D. McKinnon’s historical fiction book, Terra Nullius.

Terra NulliusTerra Nullius gives a human face, with all the complexities that entails, from the point of view of the people who were the standing residents of Tasmania, formally known as Van Diemen’s Land, originally, simply The Land.

It took just seventy years to all but obliterate a race of people who had taken care of their land for more than forty thousand years. Trucannini, witnessed the rape and murder of her sisters, mother and brother, and the mutilation and murder of her fiancé, and was herself pack raped by the time she was sixteen. Why are the facts of such huge, systematic atrocities not taught in Australian history lessons? Why are such details about the 19th century not common knowledge even in Tasmania, let alone Australia and the world at large? A nation’s shame perhaps?

Terra Nullius is available at Amazon.com, Amazon UK, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble and other major online retailers.

And now, an excerpt from Terra NulliusContinue reading “Sneak Peek: Terra Nullius”

J.C. Martin Announces New Release

OracleAuthor J.C. Martin is pleased to announce the release of her new crime thriller, Oracle.

As the countdown begins, the body count rises. With London gearing up to host the Olympics, the last thing the city needs is a serial killer stalking the streets, leaving behind a trail of brutal and bizarre murders.

Detective Inspector Kurt Lancer is a struggling single parent thrust into the pressure cooker of this high profile case, and as the list of potential victims grows, it becomes apparent that Lancer’s daughter could be one of them.

Fingers point in every direction, and Lancer’s only clue comes in the form of a single oak leaf left at each crime scene.

Oracle was released on July 30, 2012 by J. Taylor Publishing. It is available on Amazon.com, Amazon UK,  and Barnes & Noble.