No Comment

I haven’t been blogging for very long, but I have been following a lot of other writer’s blogs for a while now. One of the things I’ve noticed is that writer’s blogs don’t seem to generate much in the way of comments. I’ve seen some blog articles that were well-written and provocative—posts that should have generated a vigorous discussion, but don’t. For the most part, you’ll see zero to two or three comments per blog post on many sites. Sometimes there are more, but those are the exceptions. Continue reading “No Comment”

Writing Exercise #8

I had intended to suspend writing exercises during NaNoWriMo, but a friend suggested it might help others who are getting creativity-block. So, here we go:

I reckon this fella here just said something he instantly regretted. What happened? Was he in an argument with his wife? His boss? Give me a paragraph or two that tells me what happened to this poor schmuck. Let me know if you enjoy these. . .