Building Your Brand

Welcome to The Learning Curve. I am chronicling my journey as a new writer in hopes of inspiring you to put that bag of chips down, step away from the television, and tell the world a good story.

Building Your Brand

Last month Jim Devitt told you the importance of using a single identifying image across your social media network. When someone sees your post on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or your blog, they should immediately recognize that you are the one posting it, before they ever read a single word. That’s good advice folks. Continue reading “Building Your Brand”

Seven Tips for Writers

Welcome to The Learning Curve. I am chronicling my journey as a new writer in hopes of inspiring you to put that bag of chips down, step away from the television, and tell the world a good story.

Seven Tips for Writers

This past week the world lost Stephen Covey, author of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, which has sold more than twenty million copies worldwide and helped many people, including myself, step up their game. One of the habits that Covey touted was simple, and yet, profound. “Begin with the end in mind,” advises that we see the finished product in our minds before physically starting to work on it. Over the years this has saved me countless hours in the world of business. Continue reading “Seven Tips for Writers”

Why Do You Write?

Welcome to The Learning Curve. I am chronicling my journey as a new writer in hopes of inspiring you to put that bag of chips down, step away from the television, and tell the world a good story.

Why Do You Write?

What do you need in order to make your life seem complete? Is there a single goal to accomplish, perhaps a lifelong dream that you need to achieve? If fame and fortune are on your bucket list, then I wish you luck. You’re going to need it, especially if you plan to accomplish this as a writer.

I know. You’ve heard it all before. Being a writer is hard work and the pay sucks. Why do it then? Do you think you’re different, that your stories are better than some of those on the bestseller lists? Have you already picked out the Ferrari that will whisk you from one book signing to another? In the immortal words of Aerosmith, dream on. Continue reading “Why Do You Write?”

How To Write a Novel

Welcome to The Learning Curve. As a new writer I expect to make mistakes. My job is to show you these mistakes so that you can avoid them yourself.

How To Write a Novel

Originally I thought this would be the shortest blog post in history, or at least for this column. Sadly though, Stephen Hise, the Evil Mastermind at Indies Unlimited, would not let me get away with it. My first attempt at this post was a crack at anti-verbosity. It was succinct and to the point. Before I expand on that post however, let me share it with you in its entirety.

How to write a novel: One word at a time.

That’s it. You can keep reading of course, but that’s my monthly post for The Learning Curve in a nutshell. All great novels throughout history were written one word at a time. Then again, so were the worst. Continue reading “How To Write a Novel”