Judith Garcia Wins Flash Fiction Challenge

Judith Garcia is the Readers’ Choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge. The winning entry is decided by the popular vote and rewarded with a special feature here today. (In the case of a tie, the writer who submitted an entry first is the winner per our rules.) Without further ado, here’s the winning story:

hatch NM figures copyright KS Brooks
Photo copyright K. S. Brooks. Do not use without attribution.

by Judith Garcia

“I have him. My sturdy arrow will stop him. Do not fear, my faithful troop.”

“Where? What? I can’t see. My eyes are focused straight ahead. What’s going on?”

“If you miss with that arrow, I’ll smack him in the face with a hamburger, Yogi Bear will never fail.”

“I Have. An. Ice-cream. Cone. Also a Ham-burger. I will. Smack. The Cul-prit. In His Ant-er-ior Regions. Should He Dare. To come Closer.”

A brand new 1954 Dodge pulls over. A man and a little girl step out.

“Curses! Mine arrow seems to be adhered to the bow.”

“I can’t turn my head! My eyes are stuck in place!”

“This hamburger is too good for them. I’ll eat it myself. That’ll show them.’’

“My instructions. Prohibit me. Doing harm. To humans. I am helpless.”

The little girl studies the archer, the piggy bank, Yogi Bear, and the robot. “What do you suppose they would say if they could talk, Daddy?” she asks.

“Probably ‘Come on inside for a delicious burger and a cone.’ What do you think?”

“I think I would like a cone,” said the little girl. She patted the piggy bank on the leg and she and her father went inside for their treats.

“Aaagghhh!” said the piggy bank. “Something touched my leg. Is it still there? Is it crawling up my leg?”

Author: Administrators

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2 thoughts on “Judith Garcia Wins Flash Fiction Challenge”

  1. Congratulations, Judith! You wrote a very imaginative story, which I enjoyed reading.

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