Projecting Your Authorship to the World

project a professional author image We’re writers. Our weapon of choice is words. We use them in ways that evoke emotion, that educate, that take our readers on a fantasy journey, that incite, excite, satisfy, and shock. In order to do this, we must make sure that our words come together in a way that keeps the reader’s interest, that keeps the reader willing to suspend disbelief and go along with us on our odyssey.

Misuse of words and errant typos ain’t gonna cut it. Continue reading “Projecting Your Authorship to the World”

Self-Publishing: a World of Innovation

author Ben WesterhamGuest Post
by Ben Westerham

Those of us writing today are extraordinarily fortunate to find ourselves living through a period of incredible change in the world of publishing. What’s more, all this innovation is presenting us with a plethora of opportunities. I’ve written this piece to encourage you to embrace all of this change and to maximise the benefits you derive from it. Things won’t be like this forever, so, as they say, let’s make hay while the sun shines. So, where to begin when there’s so much going on? Continue reading “Self-Publishing: a World of Innovation”