Book Brief: Zero Anaphora

Zero Anaphora by Luke BrimblecombeZero Anaphora
by Luke Brimblecombe
Genres: Psychological Thriller
Word Count: 143,015

Anna is a professional escort with a disturbing and supernatural secret – something she is scarcely able to understand herself, let alone explain to others…

Despite her adoring clientele, she leaves her career behind when given the opportunity to take control of an underground circle of fetishistic materialists, who provide her with an unprecedented source of money and power. While others are oblivious to her past, a former client is slowly piecing together the clues, but becomes dangerously infatuated with her in the process. Will his obsession lead him to inadvertently discover the truth that lies behind her many methods of disguise?

Meanwhile, a new lover is slowly drawn into Anna’s inner social circle, placing yet more pressure upon her to find a way to preserve her true identity. But not every secret can be kept forever…

Zero Anaphora is available from and Amazon UK.

Luke, how did you come up with the title for your book? Does it have any special meaning?
It’s a technical term used in linguistics, but since most people won’t recognize it, the title will be ‘neutral’ in the sense that readers are more likely to take the story at face value, rather than approaching it within the framework of a particular premise.

Who was your favorite character and why?
Wendy. Although she isn’t on page much, her influence on the main character overshadows the narrative and character development. Even though she’s in some ways the most extreme character, she’s arguably the most realistic also.

Does your book have any underlying theme, message, or moral?
Anonymity – the idea that if a person is not up front with someone about their true character and agenda, there will be an ultimate lack of connection in their relationships. Materialism & Gender also get a lot of discussion.

What would/could a reader or reviewer say about this book that shows they “get” you as an author?
They disapproved of the main character at most points in the story, but felt that the narrative had compelled them to come along for the ride, because they needed to know the outcome. Perhaps that they themselves felt moved by their own desire to see the result of the main character’s mischief?

Give us an excerpted quote from your favorite review of this book:
“I found this surprisingly original, informative and entertaining. The setting was glossed over a little bit, but the plot and characters more than made up for that.”

Where can people learn more about your writing?

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