Featured Book: Curse of the Lion’s Heart

Alexandra Fry - Private EyeCurse of the Lion’s Heart
Angella Graff
Genres: Mystery, YA
Available from Amazon.

Twelve year old Alexandra Fry has a special talent. She can solve mysteries. Unfortunately for her, that special talent only works for history’s most famous ghosts. In the end, she must make a choice between being normal and saving the world from a wicked curse.


I snatched it up, turning it over in my hands. I had to be very careful with it, very careful. I wasn’t the owner of the locket, and the last thing I needed was to get sick with the plague before I could get it back to the museum. Still, I needed to make sure it was the right one. I sent a quick text to Jack to come into the library, and then, very carefully, I opened the lid.

As it creaked open, my eyes widened in horror as I saw that it was completely, and totally empty. I heard the door to the library open, and I looked up, expecting to see Jack. But instead, to my horror, I saw the tall, dark-eyed face of Jack’s cousin smiling down at me.

“Looking for this?” he asked, and I saw the locket then, dangling from his outstretched hand.

What others are saying:

“I really got a sense of my own days in junior high as I read this, and when a YA novel can do that with an adult, you’ve got yourself a nostalgic piece that transcends just simple reading.” – Chris Merlo

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