Kindle Matchbook

Kindle MatchbookHave you set up your Amazon Kindle Matchbook yet?

This new program offers readers who purchase a print book from the option to purchase the Kindle version of that title for $2.99 or less. Any KDP title that has a print version is eligible for this program launching in October.

Did you know that you could also go back and get the Kindle version at a discount from any previously purchased title?

Of course, you must enroll your title in order to make it available. Here’s how:

  • Select your Kindle Direct Publishing Title on your KDP Bookshelf. Click on the Rights & Pricing section and select the “enroll” box for Kindle Matchbook.
  • Set the discount for your Kindle book at $2.99 or less. You can even choose to give your Kindle version away free with the hardcopy purchase.
  • Save your Kindle Matchbook preferences.

Within about twenty-four hours, you will be “live” with your new pricing option. The discounted version must be at least 50% of the original digital list price. Royalties are paid at the normal levels based on the promotional list price.

So, if you sell a few hardcopy books it might make sense to make the digital version available at a discount or free for the same title. There are no time commitments if you decide to try the Matchbook program.

What’s your opinion of this new program?

And before I go, Happy Birthday Indies Unlimited!

Author: Jim Devitt

Jim Devitt’s debut YA novel, The Card, hit #1 in three separate categories on the Kindle Bestseller list in early January and was a finalist in the Guys Can Read Indie Author Contest this past summer. Devitt currently lives in Miami, FL with his wife Melissa and their children. Learn more about Jim at his blog and his Amazon author page.

7 thoughts on “Kindle Matchbook”

  1. I’m like Yvonne, but just for kicks, I enrolled eight of my books in it. We’ll see what happens. Frankly, if someone has bought the paperback, I don’t see why they would want a Kindle version.

  2. I think it is a good incentive for people to buy your paperback book instead of just the ebook. I’ve set up mine to give the ebook away for free if they purchased the paperback. I think it is a great reward for our readers.

  3. Thank you for the info, Jim. I’m on the fence about this one, though. Some people I’ve heard from buy the paperback because they don’t like e-books. Although if I start hearing differently, I might change my tack.

  4. I enrolled all five of my books. I made the eBook copies free. I feel if someone buys a hard copy they should be entitled to the electronic version as well. They can also loan both copies to another reader.
    We will see how things turn out.
    Thanks for your post.

  5. I enrolled my books (and also accidentally enrolled a short story that I’ll never make into a print book — KDP e-mailed me about that this morning…).

    The vast majority of my sales are e-books. But I can see the program benefitting indies later on, if only indirectly. For a reader who has a large dead-tree library and has been on the fence about getting an e-reader, this could be just the enticement they need to buy a Kindle. They could move their entire collection into a Kindle for very little cash. And more Kindle owners = bigger pool of e-book readers = more potential sales for indies.

  6. I dithered about enrolling as I sell very few paperbacks. In the end I decide what the hell, it doesn’t hurt e-book sales anyway and if someone buys the e-book and the paperback, great.
    I am not hopeful:)

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