Publisher Interview: Heather Savage

Staccato Publishing and digital imprint, Darkest Night Publishing are the companies of author and publisher Heather (HK) Savage. Heather comes from a decade of editing and marketing experience as well as a stint in insurance working with contracts and negotiating settlements with attorneys. “Staccato Publishing officially opened its doors March of 2011 with two authors. We now have six authors with an epidemic of 4 and 5 star reviews from large and small industry reviewers and several titles now on the shelf at local indie bookstores and large retail chains such as Barnes & Noble,” she says.

Last year she put out eight books (three digitally, five traditionally) in the Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, and Mystery genres. “Some titles are YA and some adult. We are due to release between six and eight in 2013 in those same categories. Digital releases require less lead time and therefore can be prepared more quickly. We have several titles that will be fall 2013 or spring 2014 that fall into that category.” Continue reading “Publisher Interview: Heather Savage”

Sneak Peek: Postcards from Mr. Pish: South and West Edition

Today we have a sneak peek of Author K. S. Brooks’ new educational children’s book, Postcards from Mr. Pish: South and West Edition.

The adventurous Jack Russell Terrier, Mr. Pish, is back – this time to guide readers through portions of the southern and western United States in Postcards from Mr. Pish Volume 4. Each postcard Mr. Pish sends is filled with engaging text and full-color photographs designed to inspire both young and old to read, explore, and learn. As with all his books, history, geography, and more become inviting and fun – because of the charismatic traveling terrier!

Postcards from Mr. Pish: South and West Edition is the fifth book in the Mr. Pish Educational Series promoting outdoor learning and literacy. It is available in print, and as an eBook from, Amazon UK, and Smashwords.

And now, a page from Postcards from Mr. Pish: South and West Edition Continue reading “Sneak Peek: Postcards from Mr. Pish: South and West Edition”

How Well Did the Reader Know the Decedent?

Here is the situation: You have written a mystery, police-procedural, thriller, spy novel, western, or something of the like. Now you get to the part where there’s a dead guy. You killed off a character. Maybe your bad guy killed the person. Maybe your good guy killed the person.

It ramps up the drama. It gives urgency and purpose to the story. Maybe the good guy has to stop the bad guy before he kills again. Maybe the vigilante just wrought his first bit of rough justice. Continue reading “How Well Did the Reader Know the Decedent?”

Sneak Peek: A Father’s Tears

Today we have a sneak peek from author David McColl’s inspirational/self-help book, A Father’s Tears.

A Father’s Tears tells the true story of David McColl and his journey through the depths of grief after the loss of his 19-year-old son, Tony. Tony was the designated driver at a rural house party, tasked with ensuring his younger sister got home safely. On the way home, Tony was killed in a head-on collision with a young man being pursued by police as a suspected drunk driver. McColl’s book is an inspiration, showing how he and his family have coped with the loss of their beloved Anthony with honesty, love and even humor.

A Father’s Tears is available through and Amazon UK.

And now, an excerpt from A Father’s TearsContinue reading “Sneak Peek: A Father’s Tears”