Book Brief: The Card

The Card
by Jim Devitt
Genre: Young Adult
248 Pages

Van Stone has it all, the perfect family, great friends and the best job in the world. Then, his life falls apart. Thrust into a deadly plot masterminded by unknown enemies, Van is in a race against time to save those closest to him.

As The Card barrels forward, Van, armed with only his best friends, draws on his deductive powers and inner strength, to battle the corrupt forces. Set in Seattle, Washington, this faced paced mystery takes you behind-the-scenes in professional baseball. Full of unexpected twists and high stakes drama, this first in a series adventure will keep you guessing until the final scene.

In his debut novel, Jim Devitt weaves a story of breathtaking action and suspense that blows the lid off scientific advancement.

This title is available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Jim, how did you come up with the title for your book? Does it have any special meaning? 
My wife and I brainstormed words pertaining to the book and laid them all out on the table. From there, we whittled it down to a few choices and played with the combinations. The main character receives a gift of a baseball card, so that’s where we ended up.

Who was your favorite character and why?
Van Stone started out as my favorite character, but as I got into the story, his faithful sidekick Fred became fun to develop. He was the goofy, break-the-tension character that brought levity to some very serious situations.

Does your book have any underlying theme, message, or moral?
That’s a tough one. I didn’t purposefully start out delivering a message, but many reviewers and readers have come away talking about profound messages found within its cover.

What would/could a reader or reviewer say about this book that shows they “get” you as an author? 
I’m not sure I can answer that so I’ll give you some examples of what has been said: “Devitt does an exceptional job drawing characters you can relate to …” Seattle Post-Intelligencer

“We did not publish it, but if it had crossed my desk, I would have done so. Crisp story, good prose, highly entertaining…and highly recommended.” Managing Editor, Adventure Books of Seattle

“The author had good development of the plot and the characters and definitely had you guessing until the end.” Silvers Reviews

Give us an excerpted quote from your favorite review of this book: 
“…it is fun and eventful, with suspense and action. Van Stone is a strong character, and has an amazing way of dealing with life. Devitt provides some great ballpark background as he delivers the goods.” Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Where can people learn more about your writing?

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