Sneak Peek: Black Sacrament

Black SacramentToday, we feature a sneak peek of Author J. B. Brooklin’s fantasy novel, Black Sacrament.

It shouldn’t have happened. It was impossible. And still, she had seen him, although he was invisible to the eyes of humans.

Sariel Baldwin, orphan and niece of the New York banker Harold Baldwin, is just about to recover from the loss of her parents when she meets Alexander, a fire demon set out to avenge murder. She doesn’t know that her uncle is the focus of Alexander’s mission. And that is just the beginning…

Black Sacrament is available on Amazon.comand Amazon UK as an e-book.

And now, an excerpt from Black Sacrament:

It shouldn’t have happened. It was impossible. And still, she had seen him, although he was invisible to the eyes of humans.

“Are you a friend of my uncle?” Her question confirmed his suspicion. With a smile he turned to face her. At the same moment he made sure that the people around them could see him. It would be strange if they noticed her talking to thin air.

“Yes, but I haven’t met him in a long time. Which is probably why you do not know me.” He offered a short bow. “May I introduce myself? My name is Alexander. And you must be his lovely niece, Sariel.”

“Nice to meet you.”

Enchanté.” He released her hand with an inner curse. He had no idea what had possessed him to give her a kiss on the hand. Hell! These courtesies had been out of fashion for several decades. And why had he responded in French?

“You are French?” He had drawn her interest with his unusual behaviour. It was the first time in years that he had talked to a human being. Clearly he was out of practise.

“I am sorry, but I must beg you to excuse me. I have business to attend to with your uncle.” With this rude remark he turned and vanished into the crowd.

Without paying attention to where he was going he found himself in a room, or rather a sanctuary, which offered respite from the crowded terrace where he had met Sariel.

Sariel. A name out of a fairy tale. And the woman was absolutely… Girl, he corrected himself silently. She was just a girl. Not older than seventeen or eighteen. Whereas he was more than one hundred years old. His interest in her was ridiculous.

With a wry smile he directed his attention to the treasures that surrounded him. The walls were covered with masterpieces. All originals from the greatest painters the world had seen. Here, just to his right, he discovered a Picasso study. Next to it, a Chagall. And there…

“The Tizian!“ He spoke the words aloud in his surprise. Madonna with her child and the holy Lukas and Katharina. It was one of the painter’s few large canvases owned by private collectors.

Against his will he was impressed. Harold Baldwin, the man he had come to kill, obviously had impeccable taste when it came to art. Too bad that he was also an unscrupulous human being who had yet to be punished for his crimes.

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