Video Trailer: UPGRADE by Stephen Hise

UPGRADE by Stephen Hise

UPGRADE by Stephen HiseWhat does the man who has almost everything want? Brilliant, self-made multi-millionaire Brent Schoenfeld yearns to be attractive. He’s tired of his solitary existence which he blames on his bland appearance. He wants women to want him. Skeptical but verging on desperate, he undergoes a mysterious procedure which promises to transform him into the object of every woman’s desire: a decision that will change his life forever. One million dollars later, Brent sees no difference in his outward appearance. Yet beautiful women are fawning over him and even competing for his attention. After decades of self-loathing, the temptation for physical validation is too great, and Brent begins a sexual juggling act with cataclysmic consequences.

UPGRADE by Stephen Hise is available from, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and Smashwords.


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One thought on “Video Trailer: UPGRADE by Stephen Hise”

  1. Excellent choice of music, just the right length for today’s ADHD attention spans, but just enough info to hook and intrigue the viewer. Noticed you used Animoto to create it, but it sure doesn’t look or feel like an Animoto video. Guess I should check out the latest features they may have added since I used it last.

    Shared this on FB, Twitter and Google+.

    Great book, too. 😉

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