Self-publishers: Buyer Beware

Yvonne Hertzberger, Author

It’s crunch time. My post is due and I woke at 3 am in a panic with no topic. (Sound familiar, Dan?) There is too much going on in my life. But then an idea I have been toying with for some time came back. I can share the story of my experience with iUniverse and use it as a cautionary tale for novice authors. And cautionary it is.

Let me preface this by saying that I do believe there are legitimate ‘self-publishing’ companies out there who deliver what they promise with integrity and quality. But let me also emphasize that such companies are few and far between and, to most of us, indistinguishable from the rest.

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All Hail the Evil Mastermind…

Shark with frikkin laser beamIt’s the Evil Mastermind’s birthday. Please join us in sending birthday wishes his way (because if he’s in a good mood, we get more gruel). In fact, if you can send those wishes on the backs of fifty dollar bills, that’d be even better.

Last October, our Evil Mastermind single-handedly launched Indies Unlimited, and within six months it became a multi-national, multi-author, nuclear-powered death-star of a blog, and a finalist in the Independent Book Blogger Awards. Not too shabby, eh?

Unlike other evil conglomerates, we pulled strings and got our Evil Mastermind what he wanted for his birthday…

So, have another scoop of gruel and a glass of Kool-Aid, and All Hail the Evil Mastermind!