Congratulations to Yvonne Hertzberger

Congratulations to author Yvonne Hertzberger on a great review of her book, Back from Chaos.

Klast, loner, assassin and spy, has no idea that his destiny is linked to the maid he is sent to rescue. But even before he can fulfill it he must wrestle with his own demons, and help Lord Gaelen unmask a traitor. Failure will upset the Balance that Earth, goddess, needs to provide good harvests, health and peace.

Earth has shown Liethis, true seer, that unless Klast completes his missions, more catastrophes, like the Red Fever that ravages the population, will follow. Time is short.

Reviewer Cathy Speight says of the book, “A well-constituted cast of characters, a good mix of action and romance, and well written. Yvonne has certainly caused chaos in my preferential order of genres.” Read the whole review at Cath ‘n’ Kindle.

Back from Chaos is available from Amazon US and Amazon UK.

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6 thoughts on “Congratulations to Yvonne Hertzberger”

  1. Congratulations, Yvonne! Your book sounds so intriguing and Cathy's reviews are known to be fair, intelligent,and honest. Very pleased for you :))

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