Featured Author: Lovely Whitmore

Author Lovely Whitmore

Lovely Whitmore is an author, radio show host, and actress. She is a Georgia native, born in Macon Ga raised in Atlanta Ga from age 4 to 17. She went to Booker T Washington Magnet High School. She attended Turner Job Corps, Central Texas College, and Western Governors University. She currently resides in Louisiana.

She is a mother of three and loves sports, reading, chatting, and meeting new people. She says, “I like writing for different genres. My first book was published Jan 2, 2012 it is titled Journals of a Wannabe Basketball Player inspired by my twin daughters who are on the cover of the book.”

Lovely is a basketball enthusiast and says her favorite point guard is Rajon Rondo. “I have his poster on my bedroom wall!”

She also loves music from the 80’s and 90’s and enjoys singing. She says her favorite song is “All I ask of You” by Rafael Sadiq.

Her favorite author is VC Andrews.  Lovely says, “I love those books!”

Lovely enjoys writing and aims her material at different audiences from children to adult.

Journals of a Wannabe Basketball Player

by Lovely Whitmore

9 year old Kayla loves the sport of basketball, it’s all she dreams about is becoming a WNBA player. While her twin sister Kela is better at everything basketball is the one thing that Kayla feels is her “thing”. Every day she faces ridicule from her peers, coaches, and even her friends. If she’s gonna play basketball Kayla must overcome some of her most inner secret obstacles.

Kayla was given a journal as a birthday present on her 9th birthday. It is unique in that it’s the only gift she received that her twin sister Kela did not get too. She uses this journal to document her adventures and daily life. All of her most inner secrets are recorded in this journal. Sit back and see the world through the eyes of this ambitious 9 year old as she quickly learns that the real world is full of let downs and disappointments.

Journals of a Wannabe Basketball Player is available from Amazon in print or Kindle format. Check out all of Lovely Whitmore’s titles at her Amazon Author Page.

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One thought on “Featured Author: Lovely Whitmore”

  1. I've read three of her books and they were all very good. This author writes stories and make you feel like you are actually there. I enjoyed JOURNALS OF A WANNABE BASKETBALL PLAYER here is the review I wrote for it on Amazon.

    I thought I was really reading the diary of a nine year old girl. This story hits right at home. The little girl had to deal with being a twin and not only being a twin but being the one that is considered the "bad one, the dumb one". I can imagine what that was like. This book touches on so many things and shows how children deal with real life situations. My parents split up when I was young so I can relate to Kayla not wanting to accept her fathers new girl friend and trying to find something wrong with her moms new boyfriend. She gets picked on at school just because she is tall. I knew kids that got picked on when I was in grammar school for being fat, short, having short hair, being too dark skinned, not having name brand clothes, wearing hand me downs, the list goes on. I know what it felt like to feel alone, even though I grew up with five sisters and brothers.

    Ms Whitmore is an excellent writer and has done a great job telling this story. I love her style.

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