The Carrots Stole My Plot Bunnies! – by Vickie Johnstone

Author Vickie Johnstone

With today being Saturday, a nice long lay-in was the way to begin the day. Followed by a nice long shower. Take it slow, it’s the weekend. The body goes into super slow-mo and the brain kind of follows. But that wasn’t such a great thing today, seeing as I wisely or unwisely decided to sign up for NanoWrimo this month. It began well. A nice sprint in the first week. Yes, my characters were buzzing in my brain, leaping out on to the page, whispering in my ear, doing funny things in my head. One of them is a dog so now and then he was voofing like crazy. What can he do now? Yep he was chasing a Frisbee all over the page. This is fun, I thought.

Cue week two. Not bad. Not as much gung-ho, here I go as week one, but hey, that’s ok, it’s still fun really. The characters were still living. Sort of. In funny land.

Then I’m not sure what week I’m in now. Could be the third. I’m not sure. My brain has become addled by Nano. Now I’m thinking nano nano, and Mork and Mindy, and nano is taking on Mork’s voice… but now I’m showing my age… Ooh the pressure. Will I finish? More to the point – what the hell am I doing with these characters? What are they doing?

In October, I moved house and had a sort out – cue pyramids of things I didn’t know I had – so I didn’t plan what I was going to write. At all. The day before I started I still wasn’t sure. On the starting day, I thought up three characters. A girl, two guys and a dog. And off I went. Aimless. Maybe pointless. But now definitely wattless.

Today is Saturday, so I thought lots of potential Nano writing. After trying to squeeze in a couple of thousand words each weekday after work, here was the luxury of an entire day. Well, to be honest, it started at 2pm after the lovely lie-in and glorious shower. And there I was. Laptop, sofa, kitty and a blank screen. Mmmm. The blank screen stared back. I started writing. I was off… the first furlong approached… wee heeeee… oops I fell flat at the hurdle. I was on my knees. I think I managed 300 words. Total. That’s it. The hamster in my brain had run straight off the wheel.

So much for plot bunnies. Where were they? Nibbling grass somewhere? Munching carrots? Or had they just sprinted away, trying to escape the golden Labrador I had woven into my story… come back doggy, I haven’t finished with you. But he was gone. He’d run off on the trail of the cabbage-munching plot bunnies. And the other characters? Well, I think they’d disappeared down the pub for an ale or two. Lucky things. So I googled bunnies and went straight to YouTube, and I decided that this particular bunny was achieving far more than I was today. Check out his fancy footwork. He’s giving my plot bunnies a run for their money.

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