Foreword, March!

shakespeareForeword, preface, prologue. We’ve all seen one or the other of these at the front of a book, and many people think they are the same thing. They’re certainly very similar, but there are definite distinctions between them. Do you know what they are?

A foreword is a short introductory statement, especially when written by someone other than the author. It’s not unusual to see the writer of the foreword lauding the author of the main work, or telling a bit about how the work came about or how it came to his/her attention. Note that the definition describes it as a short introductory statement. Usually a foreword is a few paragraphs and less than a page.

The opposite of a foreword is an afterword: a concluding section or commentary or a closing statement.

A preface, conversely, is a preliminary statement by the book’s author or editor, usually setting down its purpose and scope, expressing acknowledgement of assistance from others, etc. Very often we will see an acknowledgment page used for this purpose instead.

A prologue is described as a preliminary discourse, an introductory part of a poem, novel or play. It can be an introductory speech calling attention to the theme of a play, as Shakespeare often did. In Romeo and Juliet, the prologue is as follows: Continue reading “Foreword, March!”

NaBooWriMo Challenge Update

You see, I’m pretty certain most of you thought I couldn’t pull it off. “How can that crazy broad possibly come out with three books in one month?” you might have asked. Hopefully you didn’t answer yourself. If you did, you may want to seek some counseling.

I have to say, there was a point last week when I realized the month was more than half over – and I got a little nervous that I was not going to be able to meet Ms. Laurie Boris’s double-dog-dare to produce three books during November 2012. I’m a ridiculously competitive person, and the thought of not being able to get those three books done instilled near-panic in me. Sure, everyone else would have said, “You got two books published, that’s awesome!” But that’s not good enough. Not for me. Continue reading “NaBooWriMo Challenge Update”

NaNoWriMo Triple Double-Dog-Dare Challenge

Mr. Pish Typing
I’d better find someone to help me type. I’m going to have very tired fingers.

Well, my observance of National NO Writing Month ended one day into November. I was planning a steadfast boycott of writing this month, per my post here. My plan, however, was foiled by the one thing I can’t say no to: a double-dog-dare.

Yes, that’s right. I was double-dog-dared to write not one, not two, but three books during the month of November. Because, really, everyone else is writing ONE book. Who cares? Let’s make this a real challenge and up that ante. Three books – written, edited, formatted, and published. You think I can do it? Continue reading “NaNoWriMo Triple Double-Dog-Dare Challenge”