One Author’s Experience with MyWritingNetwork

dr-juneau-robbinsGuest Post
by Dr. Juneau Robbins

For many years I have dabbled in penning various musings and thoughts to paper, writing countless articles…personal and professional…even completing a book or two. Many of those years I dreamed of writing seriously, on a regular schedule, with lofty thoughts of organizing my writings, growing and evolving them, and ultimately sharing chosen selections with the world. On the morning of my 45th birthday, as a concrete action step to force myself to begin writing more, I decided to start a blog.

Honestly, I had no idea where to begin. Internet technology advances at a rate exponential to human aging, and I’m somewhat of an internet dinosaur. Last week, a friend enjoyed a hearty laugh at my expense when she found out I still have and use an AOL e-mail account. What’s my point? The thought of starting a dedicated writing blog in an unfamiliar online world was intimidating. Continue reading “One Author’s Experience with MyWritingNetwork”

WordPress Categories: are you making the most of them?

I know this sounds boring but categories are excellent little chaps. They can help people find their way around your blog and spend longer reading what interests them. Alexa and Google will approve of this.

People tend to get categories and tags mixed up, and to confuse things further, Kat posted recently about the difference between tags and keywords. She added a screenprint to show how tags appeared at the bottom of an IU post, so readers could find similar articles. Here it is again:

Wordpress categories tags

Kat highlighted the tags and keywords. Today I’m going back to the beginning of the same sentence, ‘This entry was posted in…’ because that’s your category. It’s part of the filing system for your posts but this filing cabinet is sort of bigger. Continue reading “WordPress Categories: are you making the most of them?”

But I Don’t Want a Blog: Turning WordPress into a Website

I was speaking with a pal recently who bemoaned the fact that websites are so hard to edit. “I wish I could have the sort of editing I can do in WordPress for a normal website,” he wailed. “I know how to use WP but I don’t know any html.” Yours truly waved her geeky little magic wand and opined, “Oh but you can use WordPress for a normal website if you want.”

“But I don’t want a blog on this site, it’s just for my books and stuff.”

“You shall go to the ball, young fella-me-lad, you can have your heart’s desire. We’ll make you a static website in WordPress.”

I mentioned this to a few people who agreed, “I’d love the usability of WordPress but I don’t want a blog,” and I realised that there’s a thing to know here. You can use WordPress for any sort of website. It’s not difficult and you instantly have access to the usefulness of widgets and plugins, plus the ability to edit whenever you please. The SEO is a breeze, you can add all manner of social media buttons and woofers and tweeters without ever having to pay a geek to do stuff you don’t understand.

Here’s how… Continue reading “But I Don’t Want a Blog: Turning WordPress into a Website”