Publisher Interview: Heather Savage

Staccato Publishing and digital imprint, Darkest Night Publishing are the companies of author and publisher Heather (HK) Savage. Heather comes from a decade of editing and marketing experience as well as a stint in insurance working with contracts and negotiating settlements with attorneys. “Staccato Publishing officially opened its doors March of 2011 with two authors. We now have six authors with an epidemic of 4 and 5 star reviews from large and small industry reviewers and several titles now on the shelf at local indie bookstores and large retail chains such as Barnes & Noble,” she says.

Last year she put out eight books (three digitally, five traditionally) in the Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, and Mystery genres. “Some titles are YA and some adult. We are due to release between six and eight in 2013 in those same categories. Digital releases require less lead time and therefore can be prepared more quickly. We have several titles that will be fall 2013 or spring 2014 that fall into that category.” Continue reading “Publisher Interview: Heather Savage”

Featured Author: HK Savage

HK lives in the frozen hinterlands of the far North. The long, cold months provide ample opportunity to hunker down with her computer and create adventures far more enticing than scraping ice and getting frostbite.

Between books (she writes under two names), HK reads voraciously. Anything with a good plot and compelling characters are her broad parameters. One is as likely to catch her with a copy of Don Quixote as with the latest in Gail Carriger’s steampunk series.

HK practices martial arts, rides her horse, gardens and plays with her family every chance she gets. Next winter she intends to brush up on her Spanish and escape the cold for somewhere more tropical. Continue reading “Featured Author: HK Savage”