Get More Eyes On Your Tweets

5 Ways to get more Twitter InteractionsLast week we wrote about the Twitter Twelve—minimizing the time it takes to effectively use Twitter. This week we’ll focus on getting your Tweets noticed. Here are some simple steps you can take to get more visibility on Twitter and grow your platform.

1. Be Yourself – As with any platform, keep it real. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. You see all kinds of Tweets out there. You don’t have to mimic others. The social media world will recognize a fake faster than the lifespan of a single Tweet (which isn’t very long.)

2. Get Personal with Retweets – When we share, we tend to click the Twitter share button and hit “Tweet.” This is a time effective way to engage, however, take a moment and add a question like, “Does this happen to you?” or “What do you think?” People are more apt to engage when asked a question. Or, you can add a comment like, “Must read for writers.” Continue reading “Get More Eyes On Your Tweets”

Twitter Tips – Let Others Help You Send YOUR Message

A few weeks ago I shared a couple of cheat sheets with you for the major social media sites. You can find those for Twitter, Facebook and Google+ here and YouTube, Pinterest and LinkedIn here.

Today, I wanted to give you a couple of more little tricks. We see them all the time. Things like  this:

Continue reading “Twitter Tips – Let Others Help You Send YOUR Message”