New Resource Page for Authors Whose Publishers Close Doors

lost and confused author from pixabay upset-534103_960_720Authors who have never self-published can be at a loss for what to do with their works if their publisher closes its doors. But, never fear! Indies Unlimited is here to guide you through what do to if that happens to you. (Man, that’s a lot of dope rhyming, isn’t it?)

There are a lot of other “publishers” and “service providers” who are offering “packages” to authors whose publishers have closed their doors. Don’t be surprised if you receive an email that goes something like, “Dear Author, we noticed that [Insert Publisher Name] is no longer in business, and we’d love to provide you with our services to get you back in print…” It’s like they have a list of authors published by those houses, and are contacting them all in hopes of making money off them, isn’t it?

Well, don’t do it. Don’t spend a penny on it. Remember, when it comes to publishers: if you have to pay, run away. Publishers are supposed to make their money from readers, not writers. Learn how to spot a scam here. Continue reading “New Resource Page for Authors Whose Publishers Close Doors”

Republishing Your Old Books

loves savage destiny by melissa bowersock book coverThere comes a time in almost every writer’s life when you need or decide to republish an earlier book. It may be because the first edition was packaged according to a traditional publisher’s ideas (which may or may not have aligned with yours), or it may be because you want to update the book, correct some early-writer faux pas, or just do a general spring cleaning. Whatever the motivation, it’s your book and you can do with it what you like (with caveats). Here’s a quick overview of some things you might consider as you proceed.

Getting Your Rights Back

If your book was originally published by a traditional publisher, you must get your rights back from them before you publish independently. Continue reading “Republishing Your Old Books”