Want to Sell More Books? WRITE More Books!

write more booksHere at IU, we often hear from indie writers who have finally, happily published their first book. They’re extremely proud of their effort, as well they should be, but now want to know how to promote that book. How do they let the world know the book is there? How do they get sales?

Ah, therein lies the rub. Continue reading “Want to Sell More Books? WRITE More Books!”

How to Use Perma-Free eBooks to Bolster Paid Sales

permafree books roe-deer-2540087_960_720So, you’ve heard that making books perma-free (permanently or long-term free) is a great way to spur sales of your other books. You read an IU article on how to make your book perma-free, you did it, and now, six months later, your book has a ranking of 80,000 in free books and you’re barely getting one free download a week. Where did things go wrong?

Well, what I’ve described is not unusual. Free can be an effective strategy, but it’s not one that is effortless. If you don’t promote free, it can go badly. Today, I’m going to discuss some ways you can get the most out of a free book. Before I get started, Continue reading “How to Use Perma-Free eBooks to Bolster Paid Sales”

Ch-ch-ch-changes in Indie Publishing

publishing industry changes psychic-72085_960_720I received an email from another author recently, asking me if I could send him a link to a podcast I did on how to effectively leverage free days to promote your book. I had forgotten about that particular interview, but thanks to Google, it lives forever. After I found and listened to it, I knew I couldn’t send it to him. Almost everything I said at the time – the spring of 2014 – is wrong today.

Oh, it was true at the time, but in the ever-changing landscape of indie publishing, the advice I gave wouldn’t fly today. Continue reading “Ch-ch-ch-changes in Indie Publishing”

5 Steps to Building Your Most Successful Marketing Campaign Yet

Guest post
by Meg Baatz

As an indie author, you cannot succeed without a marketing campaign. At its core, marketing is nothing more than telling a story. It’s just applied in a different context. Here are the 5 steps you already use to captivate your readers that you can use to build your most successful campaign yet. Continue reading “5 Steps to Building Your Most Successful Marketing Campaign Yet”