Flash Fiction Voting: Bench-warmer

Don’t be a bench-warmer. Cast your vote for this week’s winner in the Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge! You can check out this week’s entries here. The entrants did a great job with the writing prompt and the merciless constraints of the exercise.  Vote for your fave and then use those share buttons at the bottom of the post to spread the word that the vote is on.

Cast your vote for your favorite flash fiction story this week:

  • #2 - Dick Waters (60%, 28 Votes)
  • #3 - Krista Tibbs (38%, 18 Votes)
  • #1 - Nicholas Forristal (2%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 47

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Stars, Stars, Everywhere are Stars

A couple months ago, David Antrobus had a post titled, My God, It’s Full of Stars. His point in this post was that an author (or reader for that matter) shouldn’t get too hung up on the numerical rating of a review, instead focusing on what the review says. He was right for many reasons, not least of which is that one person’s garbage is another’s treasure. At least that’s the only explanation I’ve found for the yard sale signs that spring up every weekend. Continue reading “Stars, Stars, Everywhere are Stars”

Congratulations to Author Jacqueline Hopkins

passionate cooksAuthor Jacqueline Hopkins is happy to announce that her recipe, Wilderness Chili from her book Wilderness Heart, was accepted into the anthology cookbook, Passionate Cooks by All Romance eBooks. The book is now available for free at ARe.

In Passionate Cooks: Free Recipes From Today’s Hottest Romance Authors, over 150 authors of the genre have put their pens and computers aside to don aprons, get down and dirty in the kitchen, and share their love of food. Much like romance novels themselves, the dishes range from spicy to sweet. There is something for every taste and every level of culinary expertise.

For more information on Jacqueline Hopkins, visit her blog or her Amazon.com Author Central PageWilderness Heart is available in print and as an eBook from Amazon.com, and on Smashwords.

The Indies Unlimited Oasis

It was sometime in April 2012. I was parched and past sweating, crossing the vast indie publishing desert on my virtual hands and knees, when a message appeared before me. Maybe it was on Twitter; maybe it was on Facebook. In any case, it didn’t look like a mirage – although who can say, really, with mirages? What criteria can you use, except your own senses? And I knew from experience that sensory input is not to be trusted in such a situation; until you get on top of a mirage, it looks solid enough. Continue reading “The Indies Unlimited Oasis”