Reviews, Reviewers and Reviewing

I would be the first to admit that we need reviewers and reviews. We need them to help broaden our profile, to draw attention to ourselves and our writing, to create interest in our work and, let’s face it, to ultimately help us sell our wares.

It goes without saying that I would certainly not advise rubbing any prospective reviewer up the wrong way, and let’s face it, these days, that doesn’t leave many people we can safely rub up the wrong way, does it?

From the, supposedly, top ranking book reviewers — in the US that would perhaps include the New York Times’ Janet Maslin and Dwight Garner, to name just two; and on the other side of the pond, possibly The Guardian’s Olivia Laing and Michael Hogan come to mind — to the blogger reviewers, who are gaining in popularity and credibility (thank goodness), and some of them, like our own Cathy Speight and Big Al, and the likes of Linda Parkinson-Hardman, are becoming an integral part of the Indie Revolution. Goodreads is another foundation that is important and becoming integral to the Indie cause. Then of course there are the indispensable ‘reader reviews’. Continue reading “Reviews, Reviewers and Reviewing”

IU Trailer of the Week

We all want to be in the movies, right? And once in, we all want to win an award for our fantastic performance. Okay, so we didn’t quite make it IN to the movies. But you can get close. Did you see the three different video book trailers featured this week on Indies Unlimited? Well, check them out below, and vote for the one you felt was best. No money—no prizes—all for the glory.

This week’s entrants are:

1. Operation Neurosurgeon, by Barbara Ebel

2. The Corpses of Old Farm Hill Road,  by Tabitha Short

3. Journey Into Renewal,  by Brian Bigelow


Which trailer was your favorite?

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Best of Devitt: What do we need to make it work?

Thomas Edison

[IU Contributing Author Jim Devitt is taking the week off to move some money to an offshore account or move to a different house or maybe move to the music. I’m a little foggy on the details. Anyway, here’s a selection from Jim’s greatest hits. Enjoy. – Hise]

Are you a serious writer? What does that mean, exactly?

I’m sure you are all familiar with the famous quote by Thomas Edison about invention being 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration.

If that were the case, a serious writer would not wait around to be inspired to produce their work. You would grab your lunch pail and show up at work every day to pound out 3,000 words or more. Continue reading “Best of Devitt: What do we need to make it work?”

Flash Fiction Prompt: Fall Morning

Photo by K.S. Brooks

A stream in the wilderness in a fall morning.

Is this a scene of serene beauty or of menace?

What happens here?

In 250 words or less, tell us a story incorporating the elements in the picture. The 250 word limit will be strictly enforced. Continue reading “Flash Fiction Prompt: Fall Morning”