Sneak Peek: Rain on Your Wedding Day

Today we have a sneak peek from the literary fiction book by Curtis Edmonds, Rain on Your Wedding Day.

Will Morse lives alone in a remote cabin in the mountains north of Atlanta, grieving over the loss of two of his daughters and the collapse of his marriage and career.

Over Christmas, Will receives a visit from his only remaining child, his daughter Alicia, who broke off contact with him five years ago. Alicia informs Will that she’s getting married in the spring, and asks him to attend the wedding.

As the wedding nears, Will must find a way to put the pain and guilt he feels Trixie’s death behind him and pull himself together for his daughter’s sake.

Rain on Your Wedding Day is available through and Amazon UK.

Here is an excerpt from Rain on Your Wedding Day

“I would love to go to the wedding,” Margie said, “but it’s so far, and I hate to leave Kaylee for that long. My daughter, I mean; that’s her name, Kaylee.”

“I wouldn’t have brought it up, except you looked so excited.” I was feeling good about my chances as long as I kept playing it cool. Part of playing it cool was trying not to imagine how Margie might look in a nice dress with her hair fixed up, and how my ex-wife’s eyes might bug out if she saw her that way.

“It would be a dream come true. I mean, when I got married, it wasn’t romantic or anything. It was in this little poky church in North Alabama, where Jimmy’s family was from. I would love to be a part of a great big wedding like that, even if I wasn’t the bride.”

“There’s nothing wrong with a small wedding,” I said, hoping as I said it that Jimmy was out of the picture. “My ex-wife’s family likes to show off how much money they have, is all. But you can have a lot of fun at a big wedding.”

“But I wouldn’t know anyone. It would be like I was intruding.”

“I feel the same way, if you want to know the truth.”

“But she’s your daughter. You’re giving her away. You’re supposed to be there. And I would be out of place. It would be like pretending, like Cinderella going off to the castle for one night.”

“It worked out OK for Cinderella in the end.”

“But that’s a fairy tale. They don’t tell you what Prince Charming is really like. They don’t tell you that maybe he can’t get a good job with health benefits. They don’t tell you that he spends all his money on his pickup truck instead of on life insurance. They don’t tell you that he gets leukemia and dies right after your little girl is born. They don’t tell you none of that when you get married, not a bit of it. They make it real pretty, with flowers and candles and ribbons, but it ain’t true. It ain’t real. It’s something for folks like me to watch on TV and tell ourselves that maybe it could work out for us, but it never does. Maybe it ain’t supposed to.”

Margie didn’t have to explain her grief to me, or the suddenness of its appearance. I understood, and I knew better than to talk her out of it. “Margie, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you sad.”

She grabbed the rolled-up paper napkin next to her, shook out the knife and fork, and wiped away her tears. “No, I’m sorry. It’s nothing you did. You didn’t know, the same as I didn’t know when I asked about your family.”

“It’s hard, sometimes.”

Margie didn’t answer. She wriggled out of the booth and went back into the kitchen, and I didn’t see her again.

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