A New Crag Banyon Mystery Is Released

Author James Mullaney is pleased to announce the release of the latest installment in the Crag Banyon comic mystery/urban fantasy series: Royal Flush.

When Banyon takes a gig bodyguarding the Queen of Albion, he figures he’s got it made. Some quick cash for an afternoon’s work. What can go wrong?

When you’re Crag Banyon, everything.

No sooner does he take the job than someone tries to kill Her Royal Handbag, and it’s all downhill from there. Soon Banyon’s dodging death, cops, the local temperance league and the falling body of a rival P.I. who’s taken a long walk off the tallest building in town.

What it all has to do with an ancient wizard, a nasty curse, a sleazy pawn shop, and a wall full of mice is for the royal family of Albion to know and Crag Banyon to find out!

Royal Flush was published January 11, 2013 and is currently available through  Amazon.com, Amazon UK, and other online bookstores soon.

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