Writing Exercise #8

I had intended to suspend writing exercises during NaNoWriMo, but a friend suggested it might help others who are getting creativity-block. So, here we go:

I reckon this fella here just said something he instantly regretted. What happened? Was he in an argument with his wife? His boss? Give me a paragraph or two that tells me what happened to this poor schmuck. Let me know if you enjoy these. . .

Meet the Author: Frank A. Ruffolo

Author Frank A. Ruffolo

Frank describes his writing style as narrative; as if he were verbally telling a story or an event in time. He wants the reader to feel as if he he or she were experiencing it first hand as in a dream or watching a movie. He says, “I try to inject influences from actual current or past events into the storyline as well. This tends to hold the attention of the reader all the way to the conclusion. That is what I believe sets me apart.”

Frank started writing about 2½ years ago. The first storyline came to him in his sleep. “I awaken in the middle of the night with an idea that I thought would make a great movie, A story of a action adventure and love for my ‘Baby Boomer’ generation.”  This grew into trilogy still in the works. Continue reading “Meet the Author: Frank A. Ruffolo”