Meet the Author: Terry Simpson

Author Terry Simpson

Epic fantasy author Terry Simpson came to the U.S. in 1986 from the Caribbean island of Barbados.  In his youth, he enjoyed reading the works of authors like Louis L’amour’s and Don Pendleton. He later came to love books by fantasy authors such as Robert Jordan, Jim Butcher, Terry Goodkind , Brandon Sanderson, George RR Martin, Brian Lumley, Laura K Hamilton and others. He has also read indie authors David Dalglish, Daniel Arenson, Sean Sweeney just to name a few.

Terry describes his writing as action oriented, descriptive, and at times dark. “I think what sets my writing apart is my ability to weave my setting within my scenes and dialogue and create a certain tension for my readers. I’ve also been told that my strength is in my action scenes, which many call vivid and movie like,” he says.

Terry says he finds his inspiration from movies, books and just plain old imagination, but mostly through dreams when his characters talk to him. Terry loves learning the many nuances of the craft and reads as much as he can about writing. He always travel with a notepad and his tablet or laptop. “Whenever I can, I write,” he says.

“His advice to aspiring writers is to keep writing and learning. “Listen to constructive criticism, even at times if it’s harsh. Try to learn from it. We all go into this thinking we’re the greatest writers ever. Don’t get discouraged,” Terry says. “The indie movement has been an inspiration for me to finally live my dream. I would encourage any writer to take the leap. It’s a new world. Come out and explore it.”

“Etchings of Power” is hot off the presses, but already has a five-star review. He has sent the book to some reviewers and anxiously awaits their reactions. I think we can all relate to that. This epic fantasy book is the first title in his Aegis of the Gods series, set in the world of Denestia, where the magic goads people to kill when they use it, which in turn feeds the power and the land itself. Terry describes it further:

“It follows struggles and exploits of a Ryne Waldron, a legend hunted by assassins and near madness, as he tries to find redemption and defend a people he’s sworn to protect. Ancel Dorn, a young man, who has turned away from his training due to a love spurned even as darkness stalks him. Irmina Nagel, a Tribunal assassin on a quest for revenge, but for whom nothing is as it seems as she faces choices that will forever scar her. And Galiana Calestis, an old teacher and Tribunal Council member, who must manipulate all in order to see the prophesies come true and her people survive.

Meanwhile, an ancient clan is advancing, destroying all before them, using creatures created by the world’s magic as their tools. The ruling Tribunal is caught up in its own machinations to spread its rule and its religion to other less civilized lands.

Between nations at war and vengeful leaders, plots abound. But who will stop the advance of the shade and it’s armies? Who can unite the kingdoms? If none can, then Denestia is doomed.”

Want more? “Etchings of Power” is available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble. You can find Terry on Facebook, Shelfari, Goodreads, Wattpad, and Twitter. Be sure also to check out his website and blog.

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